With a couple of potential projects on the horizon but no clear deadline yet, I am enjoying the lack of time pressure and I have the feeling that I am creating just for myself.
At the moment, I am working on some solo material where I am playing with the ideas of struggle, violence and perseverance. I am also interested in exploring the relationship between the body as a site of inner and physical experience and the construction of meaning by an external observer.
More details to come in the next couple of months!
Estic segura que el que vindrà, fruit dels teus anys d'experiència en aquest art i pel teu sempre "savoir faire" en tot allò que t'apassiona, ens deixarà bocaoberts. Vas amb pas segur, Joanet, perquè a part de gran sensibilitat, modèstia i enorme esforç ets a més intel.ligent, transparent i únic. Tens totes les cualitats necessàries per ser un gran creador. Desit-j'ho poder veure-ho ben aviat. Feliç 2013!!